Suffocating Under Fragility
featured in our upcoming Identity issue

I heard trauma can leave you stuck in the age it occurred
Sometimes I think about how
If I were to stretch out the entirety of my existence
And fold it over the length of me
It would all equal out to twenty-two.
I think about how much time has passed since then
How each day forward is still tethered to that moment in the past
I’ve settled for just surviving for so long
I didn’t realize how feral i’d become
I want to stretch
To grow into this new capacity of me
To fill out my silhouette and thrive
But I’m scared
and when I’m scared
I’m angry
And it all becomes so
I shrink back into the shape of twenty-two
A body that gets more cramped with each passing day
Am I really safe here?
- submitted by Xourtney