FLURRY is a media platform dedicated to uplifting artists, with special consideration for those of color, by creating a safe space for people to share their gifts.
our bi-yearly zine focuses on different themes around the human experience and beyond. the zine is a culmination of the innermost thoughts, feelings, and yearnings of the creatives in our community, bravely putting their vulnerabilities on display and inspiring us all.
our brand is intentionally curated to give you the space to dream. to feel. to connect. to learn from others. to question everything, especially the things you thought you were sure about. and to be unapologetically YOU, because we wouldn’t want you any other way.
we are here to produce quality work that’s honest, imaginative, and above all — from the heart.
at its core, art is the expression of the human experience. despite all the messiness of life, we are all only human, trying to navigate this big floating rock while racing against a time clock we’ve constructed. and with that, the world starts to feel like a scary place.
that’s why we strive to foster genuine connectivity, community, and eternal bonds that make you feel less alone.
because you’re not alone, you’re here <3
Keiarra McLean, founder of Flurry
photos by @bblvisions (visit bryanbbl.com)